List of LeRoc Federation members
Name Type Organisation Region
Keeble, ChristineFullHow To Jive VideoCyprus
Protze, NeleAssociateModern Jive BerlinBerlin
Weissenfels, LisaAssociateBerlin
Weissenfels, BenjaminAssociateBerlin
Butler, GregAssociateNorth West
Glover, DianeAssociateLeRoc North WalesNorth West
Jackson, BrianAssociateNorth West
Twist, KathleenAssociateNorth West
Williams, StevenAssociateNorth West
Childs, CraigAssociateEast Midlands
Geo Mathews, AbhilashAssociateEast Midlands
Barnes, VanessaAssociateEast of England
Barnes, JasonAssociateEast of England
Barrett, RobertAssociateBoxmoor BeatEast of England
Dean, TerryAssociateBoxmoor BeatEast of England
Hand, LarraineAssociateEast of England
Perrott, LeeFullStyle Dance SchoolEast of England
Perrott, DawnFullStyle Dance SchoolEast of England
Reeves, ColinAssociateBoxmoor BeatEast of England
Waldron, SeamusFullJive NationEast of England
Bunn, KatieAssociateGreater London
Chin, RogerFullJive NationGreater London
Fournes, ChristelleFullModern Jive SurreyGreater London
Gauthier, ThierryFullGreater London
Salter, MicheleAssociateModern Jive SurreyGreater London
Saunders, AaronAssociateJive NationGreater London
Town, KevinAssociateKevin & AggieGreater London
Wicks, KevanAssociateModern Jive SurreyGreater London
Ashbee, JohnAssociateWhite Cliffs Modern JiveSouth East
Ball, BobClubDiscojiveSouth East
Bennett, DavidAssociateLove2JiveSouth East
Cumbers, AlexAssociateJivePlaySouth East
Ellis, ChristineFullNight and Day DanceSouth East
Everitt, ChrisAssociateTeam LeRocSouth East
Gauthier, EmmaFullSouth East
Grout, MarkAssociateJivePlaySouth East
Jenner, KaneAssociateJive FrenzySouth East
Jessop, MicheleAssociateSouth East
Keene, DavidAssociateSouth East
Marley, StaceyFullDance With StaceySouth East
Morton, TimAssociateLove2JiveSouth East
Penn, BillAssociateSussex Coast JiveSouth East
Sefton-Smith, NigelFullJiveasySouth East
Shaul, ColinClubLeRoc SurreySouth East
Shepherd, JamesFullModern LeRoc JiveSouth East
Simmonds, NeilAssociateWhite Cliffs Modern JiveSouth East
Spirydon, IanAssociateDance DiversitySouth East
Spirydon, SuzanneExaminerDance DiversitySouth East
Sweeney, JohnAssociateModernJive.comSouth East
Willis, JenniferAssociateSouth East
Wright, DerekFullSouth East
Arkell, AlysonAssociateSouth West
Arscott, SylvAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Barwick, JamesAssociateLeRoc.comSouth West
Bath, DianaAssociateNailsea LeRocSouth West
Blundell, ClaireAssociatePortishead LeRocSouth West
Conway, KateAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Duck, NigelAssociateChance To Dance Modern JiveSouth West
Dunn, JacquieFullSouth West
Eastman, JohnFullSouth West
Field, JillAssociateJill's Just DanceSouth West
Gay, MichelFullSouth West
Gay, JanetExaminerSouth West
Harvey, JulieAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Hill, JaiAssociateChance To Dance Modern JiveSouth West
Hurford, JaneAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Kavanagh, MattFullSimply Modern JiveSouth West
Lanning, DeeAssociateDynamic DanceSouth West
Marks, IanAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Marsden, GaryFullRiviera LeRocSouth West
McKay, BryanAssociateSouth West
Parsons, HeatherFullSouth West
Payne, RussellAssociateLeRoc.comSouth West
Price, SarahFullSimply Modern JiveSouth West
Thake, DeneAssociateRiviera LeRocSouth West
Washbourn, RalphAssociateSouth West
Wonnacott, SteveAssociatePortishead LeRocSouth West
Brown, JeanetteAssociateWales
Davies, ShaunAssociateWales
Franklin, MichaelAssociateSouth Wales LeRocWales
Heffey, JanFullDance VerveWales
Heffey, MikeFullDance VerveWales
Cullen, BillyAssociateLeRoc ScotlandScotland
Forbes, RoiFullStrictly DancingScotland
Map of LeRoc Clubs

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